The Coal Trader

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Is Alpha Metallurgical Resources Inc (AMR) Stock Near the Top of the Coking Coal Industry?

Alpha Metallurgical Resources Inc (AMR) leads the Coking Coal industry with an overall score of 57. AMR is up 96.74% so far this year after the company closed yesterday at $320.24. The overall score measures the company’s performance based-off both short and long term indicators and means that AMR scores better than 57% of the overall market.

Overall Score – 57

AMR has an Overall Score of 54. Find out what this means to you and get the rest of the rankings on AMR!

What this means: Alpha Metallurgical Resources In (AMR) gets an Overall Rank of 54, which is an above average rank under InvestorsObserver’s stock ranking system. Our system considers the available information about the company and then compares it to all the other stocks we have data on to get a percentile-ranked value. AMR’s 54 means that it ranks higher than 54% of stocks.

Who this matters to: Overall Ranking is a comprehensive evaluation. It considers technical and fundamental factors and is a good starting point for evaluating a stock.

Alpha Metallurgical Resources Inc is a strong performer in the Coking Coal industry, which has an average overall score of 43. This means that, on average, the stocks in this industry score higher than 43% of the stock market.

The stock is trading down -13.96% this week following yesterday’s rise. AMR has an average analyst ranking of Buy with an average price target of $406.