The Coal Trader

Coal News Coal Markets, Sulawesi Park Indonesia

New Indonesian Coking Coal Projects Fire Up

Two new coke batteries open up in Indonesia as Chinese steelmakers continue their push to offshore productive capacity.

The 2# coke oven ignition oven of the coking project with an annual output of 4.8 million tons in the Indonesian Sulawesi Park of Xuyang Group:

According to Xuyang Group news, at 11:18 am on December 31, 2023, Xuyang Weishan New Energy (Indonesia) Co., Ltd. (Xuyang Weishan) in Sulawesi Park, Indonesia, has an annual output of 4.8 million tons of coking project. 2# coke oven ignition oven.

This is another key node for the project after the 3# coke oven and 1# coke oven were put into operation on July 19 and November 6, 2023 respectively, and the 4# coke oven was ignited on October 30, 2023. A landmark achievement, the project’s production capacity will be doubled to 3.2 million tons on the basis of the 1.6 million tons it has already put into production.

Risun Group’s Sulawesi Park in Indonesia held a simple but warm oven lighting ceremony. Jiang Nan, deputy general manager of Xuyang Weishan, said in his speech that the new year is approaching and everything is new. In time for the last beat of 2023, we will officially ignite the 2# coke oven to welcome the arrival of 2024 and start an annual output of 4.8 million tons. The coking project has shifted to a new stage of production and operation. Later, as Xuyang Weishan’s Executive Deputy General Manager Qi Yongjun solemnly announced “the ignition of #2 coke oven oven of Xuyang Weishan’s 4.8 million tons/year coking project”, the project team members boarded the coke oven platform and ignited #2 The flame of hope in the coke oven.

So far, the two coke ovens and supporting equipment of the 4.8 million tons coking project in Indonesia’s Sulawesi Park of Risun Group with an annual output have maintained “safe, stable, long-term, full and excellent” operation, and the “sales and marketing system” was opened the same month it was put into operation. The whole process of “, transportation, production and supply” and the external supply of gas were achieved to achieve profitability immediately after the operation was put into operation. It reached full production within two and a half months of operation. At the same time, the tar and crude benzene sections of the chemical production system were also put into operation one after another.

It is worth mentioning that Xuyang Weishan has officially obtained an export license from the relevant Indonesian government departments on November 24, 2023, and sold the first shipment of 20,000 tons of coke to one of the largest steel plants in India on November 27, 2023. With the Tata Steel Plant as a symbol, the project products have been successfully exported. As ships from customers from Turkey, Australia, India, Vietnam, Malaysia and other countries have successively arrived at the Labota terminal in Sulawesi, the project’s coke products have been gradually shipped to the world. End users such as steel plants, alloy plants, metal plants, and chemical plants.

In addition, also on November 24, 2023, the first shipment of 11,000 tons of coking coal exported by Xuyang Group to Indonesia was loaded at Rizhao Port and delivered to Xuyang Weishan as scheduled. The second batch of 30,000 tons of coking coal was also completed and collected at the port simultaneously. It will arrive and be delivered in December as planned, and then the third and fourth batches will be formed…operated on a regular basis according to demand, exporting coking coal from China to Indonesia has become an important part of the project’s global supply chain system, effectively ensuring production, reducing costs, Enhance competitive advantage.

It is precisely because of the mutual complementarity and complementarity of comprehensive supporting facilities and system efforts, and also relying on the system support of Xuyang Group’s powerful marketing integrated business model, vertically integrated development model, and vertically integrated management model. As well as Xuyang’s scale advantages as the world’s largest independent coke manufacturer and supplier, intrinsic safety, intrinsic environmental protection, quality brand, digital supply chain system and marketing platform, precise and scientific coal blending technology and intelligent coal blending expert system, and efficient sales With the systematic operation capabilities of transportation, production, supply and research, 28 years of in-depth industry experience, sincere customer service system, strict closed-loop management, first-class energy-saving and emission reduction technology, and complete integrated R&D capabilities, Risun Group Indonesia The coking project with an annual output of 4.8 million tons in the Sulawesi Park is moving towards “becoming one of the signed projects witnessed by President Xi Jinping’s visit to Indonesia during President Xi Jinping’s visit to Indonesia in October 2013. , a demonstration park for economic and trade cooperation between Indonesia and Indonesia. In August 2016, it was recognized as an overseas economic and trade cooperation zone by the Ministry of Commerce and the Ministry of Finance. In August 2018, it was listed as a bonded zone by the Indonesian central government. It has now developed into a three-dimensional sea, land and air transportation channel. , a modern large-scale industrial park with complete production and living facilities) related enterprises in the industry chain provide stable and high-quality energy and fine chemical products to meet Indonesia’s current and future development needs, promote the growth of Indonesia’s international trade, and use Indonesia as a base to radiate to Southeast Asia and Europe , make every effort to build Xuyang’s first overseas investment project and Xuyang’s first overseas physical manufacturing park into a world-class quality project and a world-leading benchmark park, and extend, supplement and strengthen the chain, and extend the vertical integration , build Xuyang’s first overseas modern coal chemical industry, new energy, new material circular economy smart industrial base, build Xuyang’s business to form a global industrial chain, supply chain, customer chain, sales chain, form a global network, and form a globally competitive It will form a new global coal pricing system and create an essentially and logically highly profitable ‘sales, transportation, production, supply, and research’ integrated global development layout and overseas expansion with Risun’s unique global comprehensive competitiveness. We are making solid progress in the direction of “bridgehead”.

China Risun Group Co., Ltd. (1907.HK) was founded in 1995 and is headquartered in Beijing. Xuyang Group is a comprehensive manufacturer and supplier of coke, coking products, fine chemical products and hydrogen energy products in China. It is a leader in many fine chemical product fields in China and around the world, and utilizes the hydrogen produced by its own industrial by-products. Advantages: vigorously deploy “production-storage-transportation-processing-use+research” hydrogen energy projects. Risun Group’s vertically integrated business model and more than 28 years of experience in the coal chemical industry chain allow the group to further explore the downstream fine chemical product market, expand revenue sources, and create greater value.

On March 15, 2019, China Risun Group was listed on the main board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. It was subsequently included in multiple sub-indices under the Hang Seng Index Series and became the subject of Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect and Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect. According to Frost & Sullivan, the company is the world’s largest independent coke producer and supplier in terms of volume in 2022; the world’s largest processor of coked crude benzene, the second largest processor of high-temperature coal tar, and the second largest producer of caprolactam It is also China’s largest industrial naphthalene-to-phthalic anhydride and coke oven gas-to-methanol producer (in terms of production capacity); and the largest hydrogen supplier in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region (in terms of production volume).

Indonesia Jinrui Project 2.6 million tons/year coke project #4 coke oven produces coke:

According to reports, the fourth coke oven of Indonesia’s Jinrui 2.6 million tons of coke project successfully produced coke at 15:18 pm on December 27, 2023, marking that all four coke ovens of Indonesia’s Jinrui 2.6 million tons of coke project have been fully put into operation. stage.

At the same time, the new boiler project in Jinxiang, Indonesia, was also completed at the end of October 2023 and has the conditions for steam production. According to the production needs of the Jinxiang Coking Project in Indonesia, it has recently successfully supplied qualified steam to the Jinxiang Coking Project. Double happiness.

It is understood that the Jinrui project signed a contract between the two parties in November 2020, and began pouring the first tank of concrete in February 2021. With the joint efforts of all parties, the project’s first coke oven (2# coke oven) was opened on May 7, 2022. Sunrise Focus (lasted 15 months), the entire project has lasted 31 months so far, which has become the fastest progressing project among the projects started in Qingshan Industrial Park during the same period, injecting new impetus and stimulating new vitality into the local economic and social development of Indonesia.

This time, the fourth furnace #4 was successfully ignited, which was the result of the joint efforts of all parties. The first three coke ovens 2#, 1#, and 3# will start baking on November 25, 2021, July 28, 2022, and February 16, 2023 respectively. Now the three furnaces of Jinrui Coke Project are normal Production.