The Coal Trader

Demand for coking coal increasing in China

As of January 25, the CCI Shanxi low sulfur index was 2,480 yuan/ton, the same as the daily month-on-month; the CCI Shanxi high-sulfur index was 2,150 yuan/ton, the same as the daily month-on-month; the Lingshi fat coal index was 2,150 yuan/ton, the same as the daily month-on-month; Jining Gas The coal index is 1,400 yuan/ton, which is the same on a daily basis.

As the Spring Festival approaches, the safety situation in production areas remains strict, and private coal mines have begun to arrange holidays one after another. The supply side will continue to be tight. There is still a need for downstream coke enterprises to restock before the holiday, but due to profit losses, large-scale replenishment is not strong, and procurement The pace is still cautious, with quotations from origins rising sporadically, and the mainstream market continuing to operate mainly stably.

The coal mine holiday is coming soon, and many downstream companies are actively purchasing and replenishing raw material inventories. The demand for coking coal is picking up, and coal mine contracts are mostly improving. In addition, most mines are producing conservatively, and most coal mine inventories continue to fall this week. According to Fenwei statistics, the raw coal inventories of sample coal mines this week decreased by 10.30% week-on-week. million tons to 2.3789 million tons, and clean coal inventories decreased by 74,600 tons week-on-week to 1.7564 million tons.

Coal mines in the Zichang area of ​​Yan’an, Shaanxi Province have good shipments. Inventories continue to decline this week. Some small mines have begun to prepare for holidays. The price of local gas-cleaned coal (S0.5 G85) is temporarily stable at 1,250-1,300 yuan/ton.

On January 25, the starting price of high-ash fat coal (S1.0 A15) from a mainstream coal company in the Qipanjing area of ​​Inner Mongolia was 1,500 yuan/ton, and the transaction price was 1,600 yuan/ton, an increase of 50 yuan/ton from the previous issue (January 16).

In terms of imported Mongolian coal, due to the snowfall, the customs clearance volume at the port is still limited. Yesterday, 815 trucks were cleared in Ganqimaodu. The downstream willingness to receive goods at high prices is not strong. The transactions in the Mongolian 5 raw coal market are average, and the price of Changxie raw coal is temporarily stable at 1530-1530. About 1560 yuan/ton.