The Coal Trader

Coal News Coal Markets Kuzbass Russia

Coal production in Kuzbass down 4.2% in 2023

Under the Ministry of Coal Industry of Kuzbass, in January-December 2023 coal mining enterprises in Kuzbass produced 214.2 mio t of coal (-9.4 mio t or -4.2% y-o-y).

The production of coking coal during this period increased to 68.3 mio t (+0.4 mio t or +0.6% y-o-y), whereas thermal coal extraction volumes amounted to 145.9 mio t (-9.8 mio t or -6.3% y-o-y).


Coal companies produced 143.1 mio t (-8.6 mio t or -5.7% y-o-y) at open-pit mines and 71.1 mio t (-0.8 mio t or -1.1% y-o-y) through underground mining.

In Jan-Dec 2023, 173.7 mio t (-7.2 mio t or -4.0% y-o-y) were delivered to end-users, including:

·        113.8 mio t (-6.4 mio t or -5.3%) for export,
·        38.2 mio t (+1.1 mio t or +3.5%) to Russian metallurgical companies,
·        17.3 mio t (-0.5 mio t or -2.8%) to local coal-fired power plants.

As of January 01, 2023, coal stocks in Kuzbass totaled 21.9 mio t (-0.8 mio t or -3.5% vs. January 01, 2022) amid international sanctions against Russia and logistical issues.
