The Coal Trader

Accidents causing tight supply of coking coal

Yongtai Energy recently stated on the investment interactive platform that due to the recent frequent safety accidents in coal mines in some areas, safety inspections by regulatory authorities have continued to upgrade, resulting in an increasing number of coal mines suspending production, and some coal mines have also suspended production independently due to safety issues. Therefore, the current suspension of coal mines in some areas due to accidents and safety issues involves large production capacity, and the coal type involved is mainly coking coal. Coupled with the impact of other coking coal mines suspending production due to accidents and technical reasons, the supply of coking coal in and around the accident area has been tight, and coking coal prices have increased.

Someone asked, “I heard that Mongolian coal imports are facing uncertainty. Will the decline in imports intensify the tension in the domestic supply chain? Will the country purchase and reserve and regulate it like the pork industry?”

Yongtai Energy stated that at present, the company has not yet clearly learned that Mongolian coal imports are facing uncertainty and whether the state will carry out regulation.

The company also introduced the heating business: Zhengzhou Yuzhong Energy Co., Ltd., the company’s electric power company, is an important heating unit in Zhengzhou City and is responsible for heating tasks related to the main urban area, Xinmi urban area and airport area of ​​Zhengzhou City. Its power generation installed capacity It is 2.7 million kilowatts, and the current maximum heating capacity is 2,310MW. During the heating season, it actively fulfills its responsibility to ensure supply, fully reflects its corporate responsibility, and conscientiously performs various winter heating tasks.

Regarding coal and electricity joint ventures, Yongtai Energy said that coal and electricity joint ventures are a development direction encouraged and supported by the state. Large central enterprises such as National Energy Group and China Coal Group have implemented corresponding industrial layouts. The company adheres to the main business of coal and electricity, focuses on industry, and adheres to the development strategy of “taking coal and electricity as the foundation and energy storage as its wings”, which can effectively solve the cyclical problems of coal and electricity business in production and operation. Compared with a single coal or electricity For enterprises, it has a calming effect on the cyclical fluctuations in coal and electricity prices, ensuring the company’s continued and stable growth in operating performance, and effectively ensuring the company’s energy storage transformation and development.

In terms of new energy storage construction, Yongtai Energy said that with the strong support of the national energy storage market development policy, the company adheres to the development strategy of “taking coal power as the basis and energy storage as the wing”. In the existing all-vanadium liquid flow Based on the basic structure of the entire battery industry chain, we will comprehensively build and improve the entire energy storage industry chain, and strive to become a leading and leading benchmark enterprise in the development of the entire energy storage industry chain. Currently, the company is accelerating the implementation and implementation of various energy storage projects. First, the upstream and downstream energy storage projects have started construction as scheduled, and the construction of production lines has been advanced in an orderly manner. 

Regarding the upstream vanadium ore dressing and smelting project, the company’s affiliated Dunhuang Huihong Mining Development Co., Ltd.’s 6,000 tons/year high-purity vanadium pentoxide dressing and smelting production line (Phase I, 3,000 tons/year) has started construction as scheduled at the end of June 2023. The first concrete tank of the main plant was poured in August, and the office building was capped in September. The first phase of the project is expected to be put into operation in the second half of 2024. After reaching production, it will occupy about 20% of the current domestic market share of vanadium extraction from stone coal. 

Regarding the downstream vanadium battery production project, the company’s affiliated Zhangjiagang Detai Energy Storage Equipment Co., Ltd.’s 1,000MW all-vanadium redox flow battery energy storage equipment manufacturing base (phase 1 of 300MW) has started construction as scheduled at the end of June 2023, and the pile foundation was completed in September The first concrete tank of the project and the main factory building was poured. The first phase of the project is expected to be put into production in the second half of 2024. After reaching production, it will occupy about 10% of the current domestic market share. 

Among them: the 1MW pilot production line has been installed and debugged, and has finalized trial production capabilities. Second, we will continue to acquire high-quality vanadium ore resources and highlight our resource advantages in the upstream field. The company obtained the mining rights of Longling Vanadium Mine through equity mergers and acquisitions, increasing the vanadium pentoxide resources with an average grade of 0.93% and a review and confirmation of 1.3474 million tons, further increasing the company’s advantages in high-quality vanadium ore resources and improving the market Competitiveness. 

As of now, the company has 1.5889 million tons of high-quality vanadium pentoxide resources (including expandable resources and reviewed resources), and has outstanding upstream resource advantages in the field of all-vanadium redox flow batteries. The third is to give full play to the leading advantages of the Energy Storage Research Institute and provide solid technical support. The company’s affiliated Detai Energy Storage Research Institute has been officially inaugurated and operational at the end of June 2023. Professor Jia Chuankun of Changsha University of Science and Technology has been hired as the dean of the Energy Storage Research Institute. By introducing international and domestic high-level and high-level energy storage professional and technical talents, it has greatly It has enhanced the company’s scientific research capabilities in energy storage equipment research and development, battery production and integration, and provided a solid technical foundation for the company’s subsequent R&D talent training and industrial application of scientific and technological achievements. 

At the same time, by acquiring a 70% stake in Vnergy, an all-vanadium redox flow battery energy storage technology start-up company from the National University of Singapore, the company has the world’s leading all-vanadium redox flow battery energy storage R&D capabilities and R&D advantages, making the company’s all-vanadium redox flow battery products popular in the market. It has obvious industry leading advantages in terms of stability, energy density and cost, and will significantly reduce the cost of existing all-vanadium redox flow battery products, greatly enhance market competitiveness, and establish the company’s leading position in the field of all-vanadium redox flow battery energy storage .